Dynafisc Frôté SA offers specialized advisory services for corporations and their senior management.
Our experts have the same level of expertise and experience as corporate directors can provide.
We offer a complete range of services in the fields of financial consulting, tax expertise and administrative management with offices in Bienne, Neuchâtel and Solothurn.
The associates of Dynafisc Frôté SA, their collaborators, as well as a network of long-term partners deploy a consulting activity, based on decades of experience in the fields of business consulting and administrative services. They are active in particular as member or chairman of boards of directors, CEO, CFO or as specialists in business transformation, tax experts or specialists in finance and accounting. All of these services are deployed both at regional up to international level.
Click on a portrait for more information

Frôté François
Chairman of the F&P group, Attorney-at-Law
Tél. +41 32 722 17 00
Fax +41 32 722 17 07
François Frôté, Attorney-at-Law, has been advising corporations and entrepreneurs for more than 35 years. François Frôté has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of several industrial SMBs and has obtained extensive experience from being a board member of insurance companies, banks, and retail companies.
- Admission to the bar of the Canton of Bern.
Experience and activities
- 1993-2005 Vice-Chairman of the BCBE
- Since 2002 Chairman of the Tornos Group
- French
- German

Frôté Gilles
Chairman of the board, lic. iur., LL. M., Attorney-at-Law
Tél. +41 32 321 30 38
Fax +41 32 323 18 79
Gilles Frôté is an Attorney-at-Law with a post-graduate degree in international trade law. He has been advising industrial SMBs for around fifteen years. After having worked as a financial analyst within the mergers and acquisitions division at Crédit Suisse, Gilles Frôté now advises both regional and international companies and entrepreneurs in the US and in Asia. He also holds various directorships within international industrial SMBs and manages a medium-sized international industrial company.
- LL.M., International Business Law, Zurich (in partnership with Tulane University, USA and Hong Kong University, Hong Kong), 2012
- Admission to the bar of the Canton of Bern, 2006
- lic.iur., Bern University, 2004
- Summer internship in Los Angeles, CA - USA and Cincinnati, OH - USA
Experience and activities
- Member of the Boards of Directors of SMEs
- Real Estate management
- Credit Suisse Solution Partners, Corporate Finance, Zurich
- Credit Suisse Entrepreneur Desk for the Swiss Midlands, Young Talent
- French
- German
- English
Fields of activities
- Finance
- International contracts
- Company consultancy
- Commercial and Contractual Law
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Financing and inheritance matters
Affiliations and other activities
- Member of the Bern Attorneys-at-Law Association
- Member of the "Chambre d'économie publique du Jura bernois" and president of the "Commission Services"
- Member of the "Club Entreprises"
- Member and former Chairman of the SAS-Bern Academic Club
- Former Vice-President of the Central Committee of the Swiss Academic Ski-Club
- Former Chairman of the General Council of the municipality of La Neuveville

Di Grazia Roberto
CEO, Certified Expert for Accounting, lic.ès.sc.éco
Tél. +41 32 724 35 07
Fax +41 32 721 34 30
Roberto Di Grazia joined the F&P Group as Director of Dynafisc Frôté SA in August 2022 after 17 years with PricewaterhouseCoopers SA (PwC) in Neuchâtel. Thanks to his position as Director and Head of the Audit Department at PwC Neuchâtel, Roberto Di Grazia is highly skilled in the field of family businesses and SME’s audits for companies in the industrial and service sectors. His in-depth understanding of finance and taxation allows him to advise family businesses, entrepreneurs and SMEs. Roberto Di Grazia is also responsible for the Certified Public Accountant trainings for the French part area of Switzerland at Expertsuisse SA. In his role, he shares his financial and fiscal expertise with the younger generations, as well as with the foreign certified public accountants who had to pass the Swiss law equivalency exam.
- Diplôme fédéral d’Expert-comptable [Certified Public Accountant], Zurich, 2009
- Master of Science (Licence en gestion d’entreprise [Business Administration Degree]), University of Neuchâtel, 2004
Experience and activities
- Director, Head of Audit Department, PwC Neuchâtel, 2016-2022
- PwC Neuchâtel, 2005-2022, rose through the ranks from Assistant to Director
- Responsible for the audit module at Expertsuisse SA, Zurich, for French-speaking part of Switzerland since 2019
- French
- Italian
- English
- German
Fields of activities
- Financial, fiscal and governance-related advice for family businesses and entrepreneurs
- Business transfers
- Company valuation
- Financial and fiscal due-diligence
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Board member of SMEs and family businesses
Affiliations and other activities
- Member of the Comité de l’Ordre Neuchâtelois et Jurassien des experts-comptables [Council of Certified Public Accountant of the Neuchâtel and Jura Cantons]

Queloz Raphaël
Director, Specialist in Finance and Accounting
Tél. +41 32 328 31 41
Fax +41 32 328 31 40
Born in 1975, Raphaël Queloz founded F&P Services SA in 2002 with Frôté & Partner SA law firm after having held the position of director with the fiduciary Probitas SA.
- Federal diploma of specialist in Finance and Accounting, 2000
- Commercial employee Federal Certificate of Aptitude (CFC), 1994
Experience and activities
- Since 2002 Managing director and director of the fiduciary F&P Service (became Dynafisc Frôté SA in 2022)
- Accountant with KPMG SA in Biel/Bienne from 1996 to 1997. From 1997, accountant then from 2000, director of the fiduciary Probitas SA
- Member of various audit committees
- French
- German
Fields of activities
- Establishment of budgets & business plans
- Establishment of reportings
- Financial advices
- Keeping of an accounting
- Closing of the accounts
- Management of salaries
- Tax advices
Affiliations and other activities
- Lions Club member

Berthoud George
Partner, Board Member, Attorney-at-Law
Tél. +41 32 724 35 07
Fax +41 32 721 34 30
Partner of Dynafisc Frôté SA and lawyer, George Berthoud created Dynafisc SA in March 1990. Formerly director of Fides Neuchâtel (now KPMG), George Berthoud has more than 35 years of experience in corporate administrative and tax management as well as in restructuring projects.
- Admission to the bar, canton of Neuchâtel, 1980
- Licentiate of law, University of Neuchâtel, 1979
Experience and activities
- Member of the board of directors of F&P Services SA (became Dynafisc Frôté SA in 2022) in Neuchâtel and Biel/Bienne since 2019
- Sole member of the board of directors of the company Dynafisc SA until 2018, then member of the Board since 2019
- KPMG Fides in Lausanne, then director of the entity in Neuchâtel from 1984 to 1990
- Arthur Andersen SA in Geneva from 1982 to 1984
- Watch industry Federation in New York from 1980 to 1981
- French
- English
Fields of activities
- Tax expertise (legal persons and natural persons)
- Board member
- Corporate and Inheritance Law
- Administrative management of companies
Affiliations and other activities
- Member of the Rotary-Club (Boudry-La Béroche)

Helbling Antoine
Partner, Tax Expert, lic. ès. sc. éco
Tél. +41 32 724 35 07
Fax +41 32 721 34 30
Antoine Helbling has a background in economics and taxes. He has over 15 years experience in tax consulting and worked in the Tax Office at the Canton of Neuchâtel as well. This background has given Antoine a wide-range of hands-on expertise in managing financial and tax-related matters for SMBs. Antoine has worked for our group of companies for over 10 years supporting SMBs in restructuring and succession projects.
- Certified Tax Expert, 2004
- License in political economics, Neuchâtel University, 1998
Experience and activities
- Collaboration as tax expert with Frôté & Partner SA
- French
- English
Fields of activities
- Restructuring
- Purchase and sale of companies
- Tax management in real estate
- Inheritances and donations
- Professional pensions
Affiliations and other activities
- Member of the OREF (Order of Tax Experts of the French-speaking part of Switzerland)
- Member of the Executive Office of the Real Estate Chamber of Neuchâtel (CIN)

Girardin Blaise
Partner, lic. ès. sc. éco.
Tél. +41 32 724 35 07
Fax +41 32 721 34 30
Blaise Girardin has been a partner within our group of firms since May 2017. He posesses a wide range of experience from working at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). From 1999 to 2017, he was head of Insurance and in charge of auditing assignments for compensation funds, pension funds and numerous SMBs along the Franco-Swiss border. He has extensive expertise in financial management consulting, project management and controlling.
- Swiss Certified Accountant diploma, 1986
- Degree in Business Economics, Neuchâtel University, 1979
Experience and activities
- Executive Director and Head of the F&P services SA « Consulting » service, then Partner of the F&P Conseils SA company (became Dynafisc Frôté SA in 2022)
- Auditor with PwC from 1980 to March 2017, « Assurance » Director at the Neuchâtel’s office from 1999 to March 2017. Responsible for the OASI/II/EO compensations funds’ audit mandates. Responsible for 2nd pillar pension funds’ audit mandates. Responsible for audit assignments in the national and regional industrial and services sectors
- Member of the Swiss Expert Commission for the OASI compensation funds auditing practice from 1995 to March 2017
- Member and President of the Neuchâtel’s Accountants Association from 1992 to 2000
Affiliations and other activities
- Lecturer for the training of accountants on behalf of the EXPERTsuisse Academy from 1996 to 2002
- Expert at the accountants’ federal examinations and at the Business School of La Neuveville

Grisel Denis
Partner, lic. ès. sc. éco.
Tél. +41 32 328 31 41
Fax +41 32 328 31 40
Denis Grisel has a background in economics and was head of economic development for Canton of Bern from 1996 to 2017. He headed up several major innovation and expansion projects under this position. He has also helped numerous foreign companies set up new locations, which requires extensive regional economic knowledge as well as detailed knowledge of various foreign countries such as the United States, Brazil, China and Europe. Denis Grisel has worked with our group of firms since 2017.
- Denis Grisel holds a degree in economics from the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) in 1974.
Experiences and activities
In 1976 he joined the Bern Economic Development Agency, where his tasks included :- 1976 to 1980: managing economic infrastructure projects and expansion project of companies within the framework of regional development programmes.
- 1980 to 1996: he was appointed as deputy head of the Bern Economic Development Agency. In this capacity, he was responsible of the development of the industrial region Jura-Biel-Seeland. These activities incorporated two areas, on one hand the infrastructure and Berne based companies, and on the other hand he build up an acquisition organisation and presence abroad, in Europe and in the United States to promote the region as an attractive location for international companies
- Acquisition support in Europe, in the United States and China, the management of the staff employed in these areas to encourage companies to establish branches in Berne.
- Service support is one of the core aspects of his activities. It includes a point of contact with a staff supporting Berne based companies and start-ups in their innovation and expansion projects. The aim of these activities is to offer the companies help with the necessary administrative steps.
- French
- German
- English
Fields of activities
- Member of the Boards of Directors of SMEs
- Business consulting
Affiliations and other activities
Denis Grisel is to date member of several Boards of Trustees and Boards of Directors:- Member of the Board of Director of Switzerland Innovation Park Biel/Bienne Ltd
- Member of the Board of the International School of Bern Foundation
- Former President of the Foundation "Forum du bilinguisme”
- Member of the Strategic Committee of the Chamber of Public Economy of « Jura bernois »
- Member of the « Club Entreprise» of the «Jura bernois » Chamber of Public Economy
- Member of the « Club Entreprise » of the « Bienne Seeland » Chamber of Public Economy (WIBS)

Schoeb-Frôté Léonie
Partner, MSc BA
Tél. +41 32 724 35 07
Tél. +41 32 721 34 30
Léonie Schoeb joined the F&P group in 2017 as administrator of F&P Services SA, as well as IT/IS and marketing project manager for the group. An economist by training, she has held various positions in the field of marketing and communication within the company OMEGA SA, then the Migros Neuchâtel-Fribourg cooperative. Today, she assumes various directorships for industrial SMEs. She also offers consulting services in the field of marketing and carries out various projects, particularly in the field of digital transformation.
- CAS, Finance and Accounting, HEC Lausanne, 2016-2017
- Master of Science in Business Administration, University of Bern, 2007
- Bachelor in Management, University of Neuchâtel, 2005
Experiences et activities
- F&P Group, partner and marketing and IT/IS manager, since 2017
- F&P Services SA, administrator (became Dynafisc Frôté SA in 2022), Biel, since 2017
- Migros Neuchâtel-Fribourg Cooperative Society, Marketing and Communication Manager, Gastronomy Department, Neuchâtel, 2013 to 2016
- OMEGA SA, project manager then marketing manager for the Swiss market, Biel, 2007 to 2013
- French
- German
- English
Fields of activities
- Administrator of SMEs and family businesses
- Marketing and communications advice
- IT/IS project management
Memberships and other activities
- Municipal councillor, Lonay, since 2021
- Member and President of the Gustave Holder Foundation, since 2014
- Member of the Swiss Academic Ski Club, SAS Lausanne, since 2004

Bättig Andreas
Partner, lic. iur., LL.M., Attorney-at-Law
Tél. +41 32 628 26 26
Fax +41 32 628 26 20
Andreas Bättig is an Attorney-at-Law and obtained a post-graduate degree from King's College, London. While practicing law, for over 15 years he has offered corporate consulting services focusing on wastewater treatment as well as financial market regulation. Andreas Bättig works in our Frôté & Partner SA firm as a Partner and Director.
- Postgraduate studies (LL.M.), King’s College, London, 2007-2008
- Admission to the bar of the Canton of Bern, 2004
- lic. iur., Bern University, 2002
Experience and activities
- Partner with Frôté & Partner, since 2018
- Practice as a lawyer with a commercial law firm in Bern, 2004-2018
- German
- English
- French
Fields of activities
- Commercial and Contract Law
- Corporate Law, M&A
- Banking, Finance and Capital Laws
- Intellectual property and Unfair Competition Laws
- Civil Procedure Law
- Litigation and arbitration
Affiliations and other activities
- Member of the Swiss Attorneys-at-Law Association
- Member of the Bern Attorneys-at-Law Association

Kaiser Nathan
Partner, lic. iur.
Tél. +41 32 328 31 41
Fax +41 32 328 31 40
Nathan Kaiser is an Attorney-at-Law admitted to the Bar in Switzerland, Germany, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. After spending nearly 20 years as a lawyer in Asia, Nathan Kaiser now advises international tech corporations and international distribution companies, particularly in Asia and in the United States. He is also a Fellow at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University. Nathan joined our Board of Directors after working with our group of companies for nearly 10 years.
- Admitted to the Bar: Switzerland, Taiwan, Germany and Hong Kong
- University of St. Gallen, Switzerland - lic.iur
- University Robert Schuman, France - Erasmus/Maîtrise
- University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- High School in Lebanon PA, USA
Experience and activities
- xUpery AG, Zürich - Chairperson
- Cardano Foundation, Zug – Chairperson
- IOHK, Hong Kong - General Counsel
- Eiger, Shanghai & Taipei - Of counsel
- J. Chan, Yip, So & Partners, Hong Kong - Legal Consultant
- Wenger & Vieli / Wenfei, Beijing, Shanghai & Taipei - Resident Partner
- German
- French
- English
- Chinese (Mandarin)
Fields of activities
- Technology and Law
- Data, Privacy, IP
- New Technologies: Digital Economy, Robotics, Life Sciences, Space
- Cross-border, Asia and USA
Affiliations and other activities
- Affiliate with the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University (Cambridge, USA)
- Founding Member of the Digital Asia Hub (Hong Kong, China)
- Expert at VC firm investiere (Zürich, CH)
- Expert at MassChallenge (Boston, USA)
- Member of the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce
- Various Board Positions

Zbinden Catherine
Head of the accounting department in Neuchâtel, Accountant
Tél. +41 32 724 35 07
Fax +41 32 721 34 30
Catherine Zbinden joined Dynafisc SA after several years of experience as a commercial employee and accountant in various Neuchâtel companies. She has extensive experience in accounting and administrative services of companies and is currently leading the accounting department for the Neuchâtel entity of Dynafisc Frôté.
- Commercial employee Federal Certificate of Aptitude (CFC), Neuchâtel, 1990
Experience and activities
- Accountant at Dynafisc SA (renamed Dynafisc Frôté (Neuchâtel) SA in 2022), since 1999
- Founder and manager of a flower shop, Le Landeron, 1999-2014
- Employee at De Montmollin & Stucker Lawyer firm in Neuchâtel for the management of the rental management accounts and the inheritance accounts, Neuchâtel, 1996-1999
- Head of Accounting, Administrative Management of Employees and Administration of a Precision Engineering Company of the Nagra-Kudelski Group, Neuchâtel, 1991-1996
- Employee at the Real Estate Management of the city of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, 1990-1991
- French
Fields of activities
- Bookkeeping
- Closing of the accounts
- Management of salaries
- Preparation of salary certificates
- Preparation of tax returns
- Secretarial work
- Real estate management
Affiliations and other activities
- Member of the General Council, Le Landeron, 2008-2016
- Member of the School Board and in charge of the ski camps in le Landeron, since 2006

Kalt Adrian
Head of the accounting department, Specialist in Finance and Accounting
Tél. +41 32 328 31 41
Fax +41 32 328 31 40
Born in 1970, Adrian Kalt joined F&P Services SA in October 2019 after having held for 25 years the position of accountant in various companies. From 2007 to 2019 he worked as head of the accounting department at the group Vigier.
- Federal diploma of specialist in Finance and Accounting, 1998
- Commercial employee Federal Certificate of Aptitude (CFC), 1989
Experience and activities
- Since 2019 director of the accounting department at F&P Services SA (became Dynafisc Frôté SA in 2022), Biel/Bienne
- From 2007 to 2019 accountant and head of accounting at the group Vigier in Lyss
- From 1999 to 2007 various functions and head of the financial accounting department at the Post (Logistics)
- French
- German
- English
Fields of activities
- Keeping of an accounting
- Closing of the accounts
- Management of salaries
- Preparation of tax returns
- Secretarial work
- Real estate management
Affiliations and other activities
- Accountant and member of the committee of two associations
Founded in 2002 under the name "F&P Services SA", the company becomes "Dynafisc Frôté SA" in 2022, following the development of new skills and in particular the integration of Dynafisc SA and F&P Conseils SA.
Dynafisc Frôté SA was created to offer advisory and administrative services to company owners and their executives. In addition to its own know-how, it relies on the expertise of the law firm Frôté & Partner SA and the asset management company Schoeb Frôté SA and thus offers, under the F&P brand, comprehensive consulting services covering all legal and financial areas.
Understanding our clients’ full needs and the challenges they face as well as having in-depth knowledge of the region and industry where our clients operate are just a few of the strengths we leverage when managing projects entrusted to us.
- Consulting services
- Financial analysis and assessments
- Transformation project management (especially Swiss or international development)
- Consulting services
- Investment project assessments and analyses
- Acquisition, transformation or investment project management
- Investment monitoring
- Planning
- Specific audits
- International Taxation
- Ruling Implementation
- Preparation of tax returns for natural persons or legal entities
- Keeping of an accounting
- Closing of the accounts
- Establishment of budgets & business plans
- Management of salaries
- Management of insurance portfolio
- Secretarial work
- Active director terms of office
- Structural organization
- Audit and Risk Committees
- Risk and internal control system analysis
- Strategic plans, management control, dashboards
- Swiss and international Corporate Housekeeping program implementation and monitoring
- Consulting
- 360º business analysis (statutory audits excluded)
- Investors/buyer due diligence
- Analyses and financial plan preparation, financial reorganization
- Support for the closing process of the financial statements and for the statutory audit
- Support for the preparation of consolidated financial statements
- Generational transition support
- Strategic projects
- Restructuring
- Transformations
- International expansions
- Subsidiary formation/closure
- Reorganization/restructuring project
- Debt-restructuring moratorium
- Liquidations
- Marketing and IT project management
- Marketing consulting
There are no job vacancies at this stage.
Faubourg du Lac 11
CH-2001 Neuchâtel
+41 32 724 35 07
Westbahnhofstrasse 1
CH-4502 Soleure
+41 32 328 31 41